
[Unreleased] - yyyy-mm-dd


  • Abstract Account authentication when building account with xion feature.
  • execute_with_funds to Executor to attach funds to execution.
  • stargate feature for abstract-app, abstract-standalone and abstract-adapter packages.
  • New module type: Service, behaves the same as Native, but can be registered by any namespace.
  • AbstractClient: service to get api of Service module
  • CustomExecuteHandler To improve support for fully custom execute messages on Apps or Adapters
  • balance method for AnsHost to query balance of AssetEntry
  • AbstractInterchainClient to simplify Abstract deployments across multiple chains


  • **Merged proxy and manager contracts into account.
  • Deployments now use pre-determined addresses. These addresses are hardcoded in the contracts.
  • Ibc related renaming to add more consistency in namings
  • Account action on executor takes impl IntoIter<Item = impl Into<AccountAction>> instead of Vec<AccountAction>
  • Native contracts now have pre-compiled addresses. This removes the need for storing addresses in an on-chain state.
  • Removed UpdateConfig endpoints from most native contracts and App/Native bases.
  • Minified the storage namespaces and made them available via constants
  • Version Control renamed to registry
  • registry::QueryMsg::Account was changed to registry::QueryMsg::Accounts for simultaneous queries
  • Added registry::QueryMsg::AccountList for paginated account queries

Abstract Client

  • with_modules method for Account Builder to add list of modules to install (ModuleInstallConfig)
  • query_module method for Account to query given module on account without retrieving Application object
  • module_installed method for Account that returns true if module installed on account
  • module_version_installed method for Account that returns true if module of this version installed on account
  • address method for Account to get address of account. Result of this method is the same as calling proxy
  • enable_ibc added to Account builder.
  • module_status on AbstractClient that returns current status of the module.
  • install_on_sub_account now defaults to false in Account Builder
  • Publisher will check if dependencies of the module is registered in version control to the chain before publishing.


  • Receive endpoints from abstract Modules
  • Value calculation logic from proxy contract.
  • cw-semver dependency removed
  • Manager no longer able to migrate pre 0.19 abstract adapters
  • Account Factory contract
  • Unused DepositManager and PagedMap objects from abstract-std


  • Abstract Client: If Account Builder retrieves account now it will install missing modules from the builder instead of ignoring them

[0.23.0] - 2024-07-16


  • Abstract Client: Added a claim_namespace function to facilitate claiming a namespace after account creation
  • Version Control interface: approve_all_modules_for_namespace to approve any pending modules by given “namespace”
  • IBC module to module queries and API.
  • Abstract Interface: Added helpers to create abstract IBC connections (with open-sourced cw-orch-interchain)
  • Ability to send multiple query messages through IBC simultaneously
  • New module type abstract-standalone for standalone contracts.
  • Abstract Client: added execute_on_manager helper method
  • Abstract Client: Exposed IbcClient object under AbstractClient::ibc_client()
  • Abstract Client(feature “interchain”): connect_to to create abstract IBC connections
  • Abstract Client(feature “interchain”): RemoteApplication and RemoteAccount objects that replicate Application and Account functionality in interchain environment
  • Abstract Account: Added an upgrade helper to upgrade an account step by step (going through all necessary versions)
  • IBC Client: Apps and Adapters checks that IBC Client is dependency of the module inside ibc_callback and module_ibc handlers
  • Ibc Client: Module to module actions now checks if app have ibc_client installed to ensure account can receive ibc callback
  • Helpers to simply connecting Abstract instances through IBC and reduce the setup boilerplate
  • register_in_version_control added to the abstract_interface::Abstract for registering new versions of native contracts in Version Control
  • Registration migrated native contracts to Version Control in abstract_interface::Abstract::migrate_if_version_changed method
  • New governance type NFT which allows an account to be owned by an NFT.


  • Manager will try to check dependencies on standalone modules.
  • Accounts with local sequence 2147483648..u32::MAX are allowed to be claimed in any order
  • IBC Callback and IBC module to module endpoints now have decomposed variables (sender, msg and callback)
  • IBC Callback messages are now mandatory and renamed to callback
  • Removed IBC callback IDs
  • Renamed CallbackInfo to Callback
  • Ibc API: Where applicable - accept ChainName instead of String to add clarity for the user
  • Standalones and IBC Client no longer added to proxy whitelist
  • IBC client and host now migrated only if version is not breaking and deployed otherwise
  • cw-ownable got replaced with cw-gov-ownable for manager contract
  • Renamed ChainName to TruncatedChainId
  • IBC Client: send_funds accepts optional memo field for every Coin attached
  • Bump cw-orch to 0.24.0


  • Accounts with local sequence 0..2147483648 cannot be predicted
  • Ibc Callback handler no longer includes MessageInfo as sender is always ibc_client and funds are empty
  • Account Factory no longer stores ibc-host, instead it queries VersionControl to assert caller matches stored to the one in version control
  • governance_details from manager::AccountInfo
  • Removed update_factory_binary_msgs endpoint from module factory
  • Removed propose_ownership method on manager, everything done through update_ownership instead


  • Abstract Client: Fixed contract address collision for same apps that are on different accounts
  • abstract_interface deploy methods: Fixed a bug where it was not possible to propose uploaded contract(saved in cw-orch state)
  • abstract_interface deploy methods: Checks both registered and pending modules instead of only registered

[0.22.1] - 2024-05-08


  • state.json now included in binary in release mode, allowing using binaries on a different environment than it’s been built.
  • module_instantiate2_address_raw for AbstractClient, allowing to install a different version than the dependency version.
  • Added helper functions assert_registered and is_registered to the ANS client API.
  • Added method module_info for querying and verifying wether an address is a module to the ModuleRegistry API.
  • Added default IBC-Client installation on remote modules inside Client and Account interfaces
  • Send multiple message simultaneously through IBC


  • Renamed account_id to expected_account_id for abstract_client::AccountBuilder for clarity
  • Namespace claiming on mainnet is now permissioned.
  • Renamed version_control::Config::allow_direct_module_registration_and_updates field to security_disabled.
  • Renamed request to execute in adapter and apps APIs
  • Updated to cw-orch 0.22 and cw-orch-core stabilization to 1.0.0


  • unused custom_swap of DexCommand
  • Send multiple messages to multiple IBC connected chains in one manager message.
  • interface feature from all of the packages


[0.21.0] - 2024-02-20


  • Added a .execute method on the AuthZ API to execute CosmosMsg types on behalf of a granter.
  • Add IBC helpers to account client.
  • Abstract Client builder: register dexes on ANS
  • .sub_accounts method on Account for getting Abstract Client Sub Accounts
  • Publish adapter method of Abstract Client Publisher now returns Adapter object
  • Added a .account_from method on the AbstractClient for retrieving Accounts.
  • Creating Sub Account from AbstractClient Account builder.
  • Installing apps and adapters for AbstractClient Account builder
  • Attaching funds to account creation on AbstractClient Account builder
  • Added unchecked_account_id method on version control.
  • Ability to provide expected local AccountId
  • Reinstallation of the same version of an app is now disabled
  • .authorize_on_adapters method on Application for authorizing application on adapters
  • Added method to assign expected .account_id for Abstract Client Account builder
  • .next_local_account_id for AbstractClient to query next local account sequence
  • .module_instantiate2_address for AbstractClient to get predicted address


  • Updated UsageFee api to use Address, instead of Api + unchecked address
  • Tests now use MockBech32 due to use of instantiate2.



  • Added a validation on account_id method on version control.
  • Creating sub-account from account factory is restricted. Use Create Sub Account method of the manager instead

[0.20.0] - 2024-01-24


  • AppDeployer and AdapterDeployer now take a DeployStrategy field.
  • Astrovault integrated into dex and cw-staking adapters
  • AuthZ API added
  • Interchain Abstract Accounts can now be created!
  • Added snapshot tests
  • Method query_account_owner() for Apps Admin object
  • Query registered_dexes for AbstractNameServiceClient
  • Query top_level_owner for manager and apps(as base query)
  • Support of ConcentratedLiquidity pool type for swaps. Stake/unstake currently not supported
  • Account namespace is unclaimed after Renounce
  • Resolve trait for cw-orch AnsHost interface


  • is_module_installed moved from Manager to Account.
  • account_id() method of AccountRegistry is now exposed.
  • Allow module-id to be passed in as a valid authorized address when allowing new addresses on adapter contracts.
  • BaseInstantiateMsg is now removed from install app API, now only ModuleMsg should be provided.
  • Modules, Manager and Proxy are now instantiated via instantiate2 message.
  • FeeGrant API updated.
  • Bump cw-orch to v0.18.
  • Top level account owner now has admin privileges on the apps and adapters
  • Multiple AbstractAccounts now don’t overlap
  • Top level account owner can now claim pending sub-accounts directly
  • Clearable helper type was added to the messages where clearing optional state could be useful
  • Only incremental version migration of modules allowed (0.10 -> 0.11 is allowed but 0.10 -> 0.12 not because it skips 0.11)
  • Module tag_response and custom_tag_response no longer require Response as an argument as well as renamed to response and custom_response respectively.
  • Having sub accounts will prevent you from Renounce
  • Version Control Namespace query now doesn’t return an error when namespace is unclaimed
  • NamespaceResponse type updated to be able to represent claimed and unclaimed namespace


  • DepositMsgs removed (now deposit() returns Vec<CosmosMsg>)
  • Abstract removed from the fields where it’s redundant
  • InstantiateMsg is now removed from the install_adapter API
  • Removed wasm_smart_query helper, since it’s accessible from Querier object
  • Removed Adapter base Remove action


  • Namespace registration fee fixed
  • Version Control smart query now returns Version Control config instead of factory address
  • Sub accounts now unregister themselves on owning manager if renounced

[0.19.0] - 2023-09-26


  • Install modules on account or Sub-account creation.
  • Manager stores his sub-accounts and sub-accounts can register or unregister in case of ownership change.
  • Query on module factory to see how much funds needs to be attached for installing modules.
  • Version control on instantiation to the Apps alongside with registry traits.
  • Instantiation funds added to module configuration, allowing modules to perform external setup calls.
  • An adapter_msg_types similar to app_msg_types. This can be used to easily define the top-level entrypoint messages.


  • Updated fetch_data arguments of CwStakingCommand
  • StakingInfoResponse now returns staking target(which is either contract address or pool id) instead of always staking contract address.
  • Owner of the sub-accounts now Proxy, allowing modules to interact with sub-accounts.
  • Install modules replaced install module method on module factory to reduce gas consumption for multi-install cases.
  • Modified the account id structure. Each account is now identified with a unique ID and a trace. This is a requirement for Abstract IBC.
  • Register Module(and Add Module) will now accept list of items, which reduces gas for multi-module install
  • Removed the CustomSwap option on the dex adapter.
  • Stake methods on cw-staking adapter now accept list, allowing users to do multi-stake/unstake/etc.
  • Added must_use attribute on abstract sdk methods
  • Renamed abstract-(dex/staking)-adapter-traits to abstract-(dex/staking)-standard


  • Partially fixed cw-staking for Osmosis.
  • Manager governance now changes only after new “owner” claimed ownership.
  • Fixed and separated cw-staking and dex adapters for kujira.
  • ExecOnModule calls now forward any provided funds to the module that is called.
  • Manager queries of standalone module versions will now return version of the contract from the Version Control storage instead of error

[0.17.2] - 2023-07-27


  • Neutron + Archway to registry



[0.17.1] - 2023-07-26


  • Ability to set admin to native contracts during instantiation
  • Query handler for module data
  • Added neutron


  • Address of App/Adapter returned and set by default.


[0.17.0] - 2023-07-05


  • Ability to add module metadata.
  • Ability to set an install fee for modules.
  • Account interaction helpers


  • Removed the ability to claim multiple namespaces.
  • It is now possible to replace a module code-id/address on testnets.


  • Adapter execution from the manager with a provided proxy address is now allowed.

[0.7.0] - 2023-02-15



  • Errors now need to implement From<AbstractError> and From<AbstractSdkError>


[0.7.0] - 2023-02-01



  • Version Control Modules / ModuleList


[0.5.2] - 2023-01-10




  • Fixed abstract-interface publishing

[0.5.0] - 2022-01-08




  • Fixed wasming with write_api error in the abstract-adapter and abstract-app

[0.5.0] - 2022-01-08


Module Factory

  • unit testing

Ans Host

  • Config query

Abstract SDK

  • Better querying of app and adapter directly vs message construction


  • PoolId is now renamed to PoolAddress to avoid confusion with the Abstract Pool Id (and because it can be resolved to an address / id)


  • construct_staking_entry from ContractEntry, which had previously violated the SRP.
