Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What is Abstract?

Abstract is a CosmWasm development platform designed to empower developers to craft secure and dynamic applications effortlessly. It boasts a modular architecture and provides an exhaustive range of tools, streamlining the development process and catalyzing the innovation of solutions in the blockchain space.

  1. Who can use Abstract?

There are a few faces to Abstract:

  • For users to interact with applications, accounts, and liquidity on any chain via Abstract Accounts.
  • For developers and protocols looking to build composable and scalable CosmWasm applications quickly using the Abstract SDK
  • For chains looking to offer their users interoperability with other chains and protocols. See chain abstraction.
  1. How does Abstract differ from other platforms?

Abstract was built from the ground up by developers, for developers. We started Abstract to allow developers to collaborate in bringing their applications to reality in an efficient and scalable manner. Ultimately, Abstract will be fully vertically integrated, meaning that we’ll control the entire application stack, ranging from the smart-contracts, testing tooling, on-chain infrastructure, off-chain infrastructure, accounts, and ultimately the users.

  1. How can I get started with Abstract?

To get started with Abstract, check out getting started! You will find comprehensive guides, tutorials, and resources to help you understand the platform’s features and functionality. Additionally, you can join our developer community on Discord to connect with like-minded developers and seek assistance if needed.

  1. Can I contribute to the Abstract ecosystem?

Absolutely! Abstract values community contributions and welcomes developers to contribute to the growth of CosmWasm. The best ways for you to contribute are by creating modules (see the getting started docs), sharing your insights and knowledge, participating in discussions, and collaborating on some of our open-source projects. Check out the Contributing page to learn more about how you can get involved.

  1. What are the costs associated with using Abstract?

Abstract’s SDKs are free to use, though we offer paid plans for chains wishing to offer the more advanced capabilites of our platform, such as account abstraction or chain abstraction. Please contact us if you’re a chain or protocol looking to offer these capabilities to your users.

  1. How does Abstract ensure the security of financial applications?

The marketplace on which all modules are registered and installed requires that each module be audited and conform to our security standards. Additionally, the modular architecture allows developers to leverage pre-built functionalities and best practices, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities. We are partnering with Oak Security to ensure every module is up to spec.

  1. How can I stay updated with Abstract’s latest developments?

Follow us on X @AbstractSDK to stay in the loop with our latest advancements!

  1. What about cw-orchestrator?

cw-orchestrator is the most advanced CosmWasm scripting, testing, and deployment tool designed to simplify interactions with CosmWasm smart contracts. By providing a set of macros that generate type-safe interfaces for your contracts, it not only enhances the code’s readability and maintainability but also reduces testing and deployment overhead. Check it out!

  1. Why doesn’t Abstract have a chain?

In short, every chain supporting Abstract is an Abstract chain.

Remaining chain-agostic means that we can focus on delivering advanced infrastructure and applications for every new chain as blockchain technology improves. We seek to collaborate with teams delivering the best technology for users in the ever-changing Web3 landscape.

  1. Why did Abstract start in Cosmos?

In short, interoperability. Cosmos pioneered the appchain thesis, pushing applicaitons to have their own chains so that they can scale effectively and capture as much value as possible. To make this possible, Cosmos deveolped IBC to ensure these applications were accessible from other chains. IBC is fully trustless and is winning as the most widely used bridging protocol. Interoperability is the only way that Web3 is going to achieve mass-adoption, and Abstract aims to make this happen as quickly as possible.

And by the way - IBC is coming to EVM, this year. This means that the total addressable market for Abstract is going to increase by over 3 orders of magnitude. Think about it.

  1. Why is Abstract built in CosmWasm?

CosmWasm is highly efficient, offers the most comprehensive smart-contract capabilities, type- and memory-safe (because it’s Rust), and has a focus on interoperability with its native IBC integration. This makes it the absolute best choice for building scalable cross-chain applications.

  1. Where can I seek support if I face issues?

The Abstract community is active and welcoming. If you’re encountering issues or have questions, you can join our developer community on Discord or browse the platform’s documentation for detailed guides and answers.